Morah Sarale

My name is Sarale Wolff, and I am excited to be teaching your child next year. I recently moved here from Israel with my husband and child. After studying for four years in a post-graduate program in Israel, I recieved my teaching certification in Israel. I am trained as a general and special education teacher. From a young age I loved to teach, so pursuing teaching career was a natural choice for me. I taught throughout my teacher training, and worked as the main teacher in a grade five classroom in a school in Jerusalem for two years, and a teacher in Tel-Aviv and Tzfat for an additional 2 years. I believe that beyond imparting academic knowledge, our children need confidence in themselves, in their uniqueness, in their identity, and in their Judaism. It is a teacher’s trust in their students’ potential and their self-sufficiency that creates this. The Lubavitcher Rebbe describes teaching as tending to a seedling until a beautiful tree grows, bearing sweet fruit. I look forward to a year of growth together!